The College of Pharmacy's Staff Advisory Council is the culmination of years of collaborative work that began with a college-wide staff culture survey conducted in 2021.
The College of Pharmacy conducted a staff survey in 2022 to gauge the culture (from a staff perspective) and to recommend areas of improvement and opportunity. Based on the survey results, staff members were invited to form workgroups from the survey results themes and to appoint workgroup facilitators to represent their recommendations.
Two out of the three workgroups recommended creating a Staff Advisory Council (SAC) to assess the satisfaction of staff regularly, develop and recommend initiatives to address staff concerns, improve interpersonal relationships among faculty and staff, and advocate for staff in college decision-making.
Understanding that the Pattern of Administration would not be amended until 2024, the staff culture project team requested a Staff Advisory Task Force (SATF) be formed before being recognized as a formal committee when the POA is completed.
College leadership approved a SAC to identify, address and advocate for staff interests, needs and concerns through direct, cooperative and bi-directional engagement with college leadership.
2023-2024 SATF membership would include the culture project leads and facilitators to get SAC off the ground and to finalize the culture project report that will be presented to the dean, CAO and college leadership. The initial charges will include finalizing the staff culture project report, presenting it to the appropriate leadership members and creating a plan to solicit nominations of new members for 2024.
In researching the commonality of this practice across campus, the SATF found that at least seven other units have publicly available information about a group similar in their unit, in addition to the University Staff Advisory Council (USAC). The SATF created bylaws to support the proposal using the seven other units’ bylaws and adjusting for the College of Pharmacy’s unique environment.
2024-25 SAC Members
Tanya Bomsta (chair)
Steve Barrish (vice chair)
Emily Keeler (administrative officer)
Jessica Costic
Tesia Forbes
Casey Hoerig
Stacy King
Deepa Krishnan
Steven Nagel
Gail Vornholt (HR ex-officio)
Emily Rider (HR ex-officio)
The College of Pharmacy Staff Advisory Council is a staff-led group whose mission is to:
identify, address and advocate for staff interests, needs and concerns through direct, cooperative and bi-directional engagement with college leadership and other university organizations
strengthen the connection between the staff and the core mission and strategic plan of the college
promote and support transparency in college operations
promote mutual respect among all members of the college
recognize the importance of staff to the success of the college
recommend opportunities for staff to engage in networking and professional development
promote the overall well-being and work-life balance of college staff
This will be accomplished by:
focusing on the success of staff so that they can maximize their contributions to the mission and strategic plan of the college
representing the interests of all college staff
maintaining a diverse and inclusive committee
demonstrating a commitment to professionalism, integrity, and accountability
seeking innovative and collaborative solutions to address college challenges and opportunities