Sponsor a Student's White Coat
Please join us in welcoming the PharmD Class of 2028 to The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy.
Pay it forward to the next generation of pharmacy professionals by welcoming them to the profession that is not just a career, but a calling.
Sponsor one student’s white coat with a gift of $30, two for $60 or four for $120.
When our students receive their white coats, it marks the first major milestone along the pathway to a career in pharmacy.
Alumni, family and friends of first-year PharmD students may sponsor a white coat for any first-year PharmD student or a specific student’s coat.
Notes of encouragement and congratulations go a long way to help welcome our pharmacists-in-training to the profession. Alumni, family and friends will have an opportunity to share their best wishes and advice with our first-year PharmD students after making a gift to support a white coat. The note will be placed in the pocket of an incoming student's white coat.
All notes must be received by August 1, 2024.
You can also email your notes to pharmacyalumni@osu.edu
Questions? Contact Erin Dickert in the Advancement office at PharmacyAlumni@osu.edu.