campus in the fall with two people walking

Staff Awards

The College of Pharmacy Staff Awards recognize staff members who have gone above and beyond their everyday work over the past year to serve the college's students, faculty, staff, alumni and other stakeholders.

Now accepting nominations

It's time to nominate standout college staff members for any of the following awards:

  • Outstanding Staff Award
  • Rising Star Staff Award
  • Innovation Staff Award

This year, we've streamlined the nomination process using a simple form. You can review the award descriptions and nomination questions below. 

The nomination deadline is Friday, April 4.

If you cannot complete the nomination form linked below, please email a Word document with your answers to the nomination questions to

Submit a nomination

Outstanding Staff Award

Given to a staff employee of the College of Pharmacy for three or more years who provides outstanding and ongoing excellence in services to College of Pharmacy faculty, staff, students, alumni and/or others outside of the college; performs at a level that often exceeds the expectations of one's position; demonstrates initiative and creativity in carrying out one's responsibilities; exhibits a cooperative and supportive approach to others in the college community; and possesses the qualities of being dependable, reliable and self-motivated. The award carries a one-time $500 bonus and personalized engraved award. 


All full-time and part-time staff members with at least three years of continuous service in the College of Pharmacy in regular non-faculty positions may be nominated.  A staff member cannot win this award if they have won it in the previous three years. 

Nomination Questions

  1. How has the nominee exhibited outstanding and ongoing excellent service to the college community? Provide specific example(s) if possible.
  2. How has the nominee demonstrated initiative and/or creativity? Provide specific example(s) if possible.
  3. How has the nominee exhibited a cooperative/supportive approach, dependability, and/or self-motivation? Provide specific example(s) if possible.

Rising Star Staff Award

Given to a staff employee of the College of Pharmacy for less than three years who demonstrates and contributes to ongoing and exceptional growth above and beyond the scope of their position; makes a positive difference in their work environment and inspires a collaborative workplace with colleagues; and demonstrates a willingness to learn and eagerness to contribute to the success of the College of Pharmacy. The award carries a one-time $250 bonus and a personalized engraved award. 


All full-time and part-time staff members with 3 years or less of continuous service in the College of Pharmacy in regular non-faculty positions may be nominated. A staff member can only win this award once but can be nominated in any/all of their first three years of service. 

Nomination Questions

  1. How has the nominee displayed ongoing and/or exceptional growth in their role? Provide specific example(s) if possible.
  2. How has the nominee made a positive difference in the college and/or inspired a collaborative workplace? Provide specific example(s) if possible.
  3. How has the nominee demonstrated a willingness to learn and eagerness to contribute to the college? Provide specific example(s) if possible.

Innovation Staff Award

Given to a College of Pharmacy staff employee or work group/team who developed and/or participated in an innovative project initiative/process improvement, in which the results of the project initiative/process improvement enhanced the College of Pharmacy in supporting its mission. The award carries a $250 one-time bonus for each person (up to team of four); for teams of five+, the monetary amount will be determined by the dean and CAO. It also a personalized engraved award.


All full-time and part-time staff members in the College of Pharmacy in regular non-faculty positions may receive the award. A staff member cannot win this award if they have won it in the previous three years.  

Nomination Questions

  1. Describe the project, initiative, or process improvement. How was it innovative?
  2. How did the innovation enhance the college in support of its mission?

Administrative Research Staff Award

Given to an administrative staff employee in recognition of their significant contributions to the research mission within the College of Pharmacy, consistently performing beyond the expectations of their position, demonstrating initiative and creativity, fostering a cooperative and supportive work environment, and exhibiting dependability and self-motivation.


All full-time and part-time staff members in the College of Pharmacy in regular non-faculty positions may receive the award but must provide some administrative support to the research mission of the college. A staff member cannot win this award if they have won it in the previous three years. 

Laboratory Research Staff Award

Given to a laboratory staff employee in recognition of their significant contributions to the research mission within the College of Pharmacy, consistently performing beyond the expectations of their position, demonstrating initiative and creativity, fostering a cooperative and supportive work environment, and exhibiting dependability and self-motivation. The award carries a $500 one-time bonus and personalized engraved award. 


All full-time and part-time staff members in the College of Pharmacy in regular non-faculty positions may receive the award but must be in a research staff position within an active research lab. A staff member cannot win this award if they have won it in the previous three years. 

Inclusive Leadership Staff Award

Given to a staff member who actively displays dedication to inclusion initiatives within the college or community in transformative and sustainable ways. Initiatives can include embedding inclusiveness into college operations, demonstrating advocacy, or raising/deepening awareness of inclusive issues. The award carries a $500 one-time bonus and personalized engraved award. 


All full-time and part-time staff members with at least three years of continuous service in the College of Pharmacy in regular non-faculty positions may be nominated.  A staff member cannot win this award if they have won it in the previous three years. 

Nomination Questions

  1. How has the nominee displayed dedication to inclusion within the college or community? Provide specific example(s) if possible.
  2. Describe any specific inclusion initiatives (e.g. embedding inclusiveness in college operations, advocacy, or raising awareness of inclusive issues) and how they are transformative and sustainable.

Staff Award for Outstanding Community Engagement 

Given to any faculty or staff member for exceptional work in community engagement through reciprocity in collaborations with one or more community partners. Work should involve valuable learning experiences for students/trainees, sustainable contributions, and/or demonstrable impact that addresses an important community need. The award receipient will receive a personalized engraved award. 


All full-time and part-time staff members may be nominated.  A staff member cannot win this award if they have won it in the previous three years.