Marketing and Communication Department
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You have ideas. Let's make them happen together!

Project Types
Email communications are becoming increasingly popular, but there's a lot to think about — mailing lists, responsive design, open rates, adapting your writing style from print to web/html styles. We can help with all of that!
We can set up communication pieces and issue them, or, if you send out messages often, we can set up an email banner for your use to distinguish your unit's communications.
All recipient lists will need to be gathered by the requesting unit.
Estimated Timelines
Draft review/editing only: 3-5 business days
Email creation (a campaign, such as prospective student target), minimal concept or content provided: 30 business days
Email campaign with multiple versions of the email: long-term project to discuss with communication director
Collateral Materials
Competition for the best and brightest students, donor dollars, and research funding is at an all time high. We can help you create collateral materials to showcase the strength of your program or area — recruitment brochures, direct mail, invitations, give-away items, posters, banners, folders and more.
Estimated Timelines
- Large pieces: 12 weeks, from assigned start date through delivery/mailing (i.e. magazines/newsletters)
- Smaller pieces: approximately 30 business days, from assigned start date(i.e. brochures, postcards, etc.)
Want to promote an event or craft a media release? We're here to help. We can work with you to identify the best vehicles to get your message out — on campus, in Columbus and beyond.
Estimated Timelines
We will be happy to meet with you to better determine your needs and develop a timeline.
Web communications are becoming increasing important to our tech-friendly society. Whether you are looking to recruit top students to your program, or market your research on the college's website, we can help!
For web changes:
A unit representative should email with the requested changes. A member of the communications team will review the suggested edits and one of two things will happen:
- Changes will be made and a confirmation email will be sent to unit representative that requested change that it is done.
- Communications director will email unit representative if change does not meet web standards and explain why.
For web project:
A unit representative should meet with communications director with proposed website project idea. After a discussion on the project, communications director will provide unit representative with projected date of completion and request for information needed.
All information that communication director requests from unit rep should be sent to and copied to communication director.
A confirmation email will be sent to unit representative to review draft or final project when ready.
Please review our website guidance document for more on process and decision making on the website.
Estimated Timelines
Text edits (a paragraph or less): 3-5 business days
Overhaul to unit section: 30 days - 12 weeks
The college has accounts on the most popular social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Three audiences typically engage with us on these accounts: prospective students, current students and alumni.
If you would like to have content shared on one or more of the college's social media accounts, email Brittany McClaskey. She will work with you to find the best channel for your content and draft messaging to fit our social media voice.
Note: Offices within the College of Pharmacy may not have unit-specific social media accounts, according to university guidelines. Colleges and support units may only have one central account per each platform.
The digital screens found throughout Parks Hall and in the Riffe Lobby are a great tool we use to promote messages and events and convey important information.
If you would like to request a message or event to be included on the digital screens, download this PowerPoint collection of templates complete with instructions for how to design your graphic, export it as an image and send to the MarComm team for consideration.
Digital screens are updated on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Did someone in your office receive an award? Did you catch a student, faculty or staff member doing something amazing? Did an event you hosted go well? We want to brag about it!
Our College of Pharmacy website has a news section where we share all the amazing things happening in the college. If you have an idea for a story, email Brittany McClaskey with information and contacts to interview (if applicable).
Estimated Timelines:
Time-specific stories: 3-5 business days
The communication office sends out the eNews email newsletter to all members of the college (students, faculty and staff) every other Wednesday during the academic year, and monthly to alumni. This newsletter details all the news from the previous month, as well as upcoming events and opportunities, and is a great way to communicate with internal audiences.
(Steve Barrish sends out a call for content submissions one week before the newsletter will be sent.)