A look back: Henry Mann reflects on his career from pharmacist to dean of the College of Pharmacy

In my keynote remarks at the Ohio State Class of 2023 Doctor of Pharmacy Hooding Ceremony in May, I recited the quote, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” These words are especially meaningful as I reflect on my decade-long tenure as dean of The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. Together, we worked passionately to improve medication and health outcomes, and I am grateful for how far we have come thanks to the work of so many of you.
In my remarks, I recalled applying to the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the University of Kentucky with encouragement from my mentor and preceptor, Dr. Bruce McWhinney. My interest in clinical pharmacy began during my externship but I was nervous about applying to such a prestigious program. Bruce told me “not to lose to myself” by thinking I would fail before I even tried, and I am thankful for his support and guidance.
I often think about how different my life would have been if I did not heed his advice and confront my fears. I never imagined the life that being a pharmacist would allow me to have or anticipated what I would accomplish. I hope that you – whether you’re a student, settled in your career or somewhere in between – will go after the things that seem out of reach. Accept the support from colleagues, mentors, fellow alumni and loved ones. Continue to develop new skills. And when things don’t work out the way you hope, keep going.
As I step back as dean, I know I am leaving the role in good hands with Dr. Deanna Kroetz – who will assume the deanship in September. Together as Buckeyes, supporting Dean Kroetz, we will continue to work toward our mission of advancing the pharmacy profession and patient-centered care across Ohio and around the globe.
Thank you for your support and friendship over the past 10 years. Thank you for the memories I will always cherish and the knowledge I have gained. I look forward to seeing you on campus as a faculty member soon.
Go Buckeyes!
Henry J. Mann, PharmD, FCCP, FCCM, FASHP
Dean and Professor, College of Pharmacy
The Ohio State University