Dean Mann's impact: words from leadership

Dean Mann, being a visionary and a leader, has made a tremendous impact on future Ohio State pharmacist professionals. By bringing a real world perspective to the academic setting, Dean Mann set the framework for future generations to not only think about pharmacy in the traditional health care provider paradigm, but also look forward to expanding pharmacist roles in a changing world. Few academic leaders have had that ability and Dean Mann will have forever left his indelible mark on The Ohio State University and its College of Pharmacy.

Dean Mann has had such a remarkable impact on the College of Pharmacy, the university and the profession of pharmacy. He has led significant improvements to the undergraduate, professional and graduate curricular programs at the college and spearheaded important renovations to classroom and laboratory spaces. Notable in the realm of advancing pharmacy practice is his leadership in advocacy focused on realizing the full skills and expertise of pharmacists. His approach to dedicating faculty resources in innovative ways to expand pharmacists’ scope of practice and payment for their services is being replicated across the country. He truly has been an exceptional leader for OSU!

Dean Henry J. Mann’s vision and leadership over the last 10 years have proven invaluable in numerous ways to the College of Pharmacy. Henry has been pivotal to expanding the partnership with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, modernizing the teaching practice laboratories and classrooms, as well as expanding student support. Additionally, in the last 10 years, PhD enrollment has doubled, funding for two new endowed chairs has been secured and average annual fundraising has increased by 435%. Dean Mann’s legacy will live on in the strong foundation of excellence he has built at the College of Pharmacy.

During Dean Mann’s tenure, I have had the honor to serve on and chair his Corporate Council. His visionary and impeccable leadership has transformed the college in so many ways, from the innovative development of cutting-edge educational spaces for students and research to hiring incredible faculty and staff who oversaw a major curriculum revision and obtained a dramatic increase in research funding for the college while winning prestigious research awards. His commitment to excellence has been demonstrated through his collaborations with the OSU Wexner Medical Center and recognized most recently by the college uniquely twice receiving the AACP Lawrence C. Weaver Transformative Community Service Award.

Dean Mann has truly impacted the lives of The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy community. During his tenure at the college, he has expanded the practice of pharmacy by increasing the pharmacists’ value as a critical member of the health care team. In addition, students and professors will continue to reap the benefits of Dean Mann’s impact on physical infrastructure enhancements of the college for years to come.