Partner for Promotion
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Partner for Promotion aims to expand quality patient care services in community-based pharmacy practices.
By empowering current and future pharmacists to create sustainable services, it advances the role of the pharmacist in the health care team, improves outcomes, and increases patient access to care.
Partner for Promotion (PFP) is a collaboration between The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy faculty, students, pharmacists, and practices to provide training and guidance for implementing expanded patient care services to students and pharmacy preceptors. The program develops a collaborative environment in which students and preceptors who are interested in creating advanced patient care programs are partnered together to develop these programs.
Since 2005, over 200 students and 100 pharmacists have created a variety of successful services including:
- Wellness screenings (blood pressure, blood glucose)
- Immunizations
- Diabetes management
- Transitions of care programs
- Comprehensive Medication Reviews (CMRs)
The program has been shared with eight colleges of pharmacy across the U.S.
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