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BSPS Student Resources
The following resources will help you as you move forward in your academic journey. BSPS program-specific documents, including major checklists and sample plans, are available to BSPS students on their program’s CarmenCanvas page. Questions can be sent to
Healthcare Professions Pathway
Drug Discovery Development Pathway
Combined Degree Pathway
Requirements for completing an undergraduate student research project and graduation with distinction include:
- Students begin their project by submitting the BSPS Graduation with Distinction Initiation Form to their academic advisor for approval by the BSPS Program Committee
- Students must participate in research for at least two semesters with an average commitment of two to three credit hours of PHR 4998
- Students must present their work at an Undergraduate Research Forum
- Students must complete a written document (10 to 15 pages in length) describing the research they conducted
- Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better.
A variety of project activities are acceptable provided the activity falls within the life sciences or health care field. Projects may be completed under the direction of mentors outside of the College of Pharmacy. In this situation, students should register for research hours in the mentor’s department.
This information is for current student only. If you are a prospective student and would like information about the EAP Program, please visit the Early Assurance Program page.
The Early Assurance Program (EAP) has been extended to current BSPS students interested in a career in Pharmacy. EAP grants guaranteed admission to Ohio State's Doctor of Pharmacy program upon completion of all matriculation criteria. Flexible in nature, this non-binding program allows students the option to matriculate directly into the Ohio State PharmD program, while maintaining the flexibility to pursue other interests if they so desire. To be eligible- students must…
- Be enrolled in the BSPS program at Ohio State.
- Prospective EAP students who enrolled at Ohio State in Autumn 2025 or later are required to have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Prospective EAP students who enrolled at Ohio State prior to Autumn 2025 must have at least a 2.7 cumulative GPA (first-year students should wait until they have a first semester of grades from Ohio State).
- Have a strong interest in a career in pharmacy.
*Please note:
If you are a current 3rd year student interested in the combined BSPS/PharmD program or a current 3rd or 4th year student on the traditional pathway, you are not eligible for EAP and will be required to apply through the PharmD admissions process. Please contact if you have questions about this process.
Current students who are admitted to the EAP Program must meet the PharmD Matriculation Requirements, which may be found under the “PharmD Matriculation Requirements” drop down.
Thank you for your interest in the Early Assurance Program. The EAP application and 3 letters of recommendation will be available from January 1, 2025-March 1, 2025. All materials must be submitted by March 1, 2025 for you to be considered for the program.
For an EAP application to be considered complete, three recommendation forms must be submitted. Recommenders are also invited to submit a letter of recommendation to supplement the recommendation form.
When selecting your recommenders, look for individuals who:
- Have a strong understanding of your character, work ethic, skills and other qualities
- Can provide specific examples to support their recommendation
- Are a current or past supervisor, teacher, coach, volunteer coordinator, mentor, etc. (not a family member or friend)
If you have questions about this, please email and we will be happy to discuss.
All EAP applicants must complete an interview as a part of the admissions process. These interviews will be virtual and will take place in Spring 2025. A representative from the Office of Recruitment & Admissions will be in contact to discuss next steps if you are eligible for an interview. Any questions about the interview process should be directed to Katie Watkins, Director of Recruitment & Admissions, at
The EAP Programming requirements and objectives are built on the following pillars which align with the PharmD Admissions Criteria:
Pillar 1: Professionalism Pillar 2: Communication
Pillar 3: Pharmacy Knowledge (Professional Awareness) Pillar 4: Academic Success
Students will be required to complete a variety of programming to successfully matriculate into the PharmD program. Below is a breakdown of the programming requirements for students in the EAP Program.
*Please note:
Any students admitted to Ohio State between AU23-SU25 will be responsible for meeting these programming requirements. Please reach out to Tyler Swanson at if you were admitted in Spring 2023 to see if these programming requirements apply to you.*
Programming Requirements
- Students will be required to complete at least one program from each category…
- Professionalism
- Communication
- Pharmacy Knowledge (Professional Awareness)
- Academic Success
- Incoming new first year EAP students are required to complete 10 programs- 5 in the fall and 5 in the spring. These programming requirements will be met by living in Pharmacy House. Commuter students or students who were granted exceptions, will need to complete programming requirements outside of Pharmacy House.
- Students who join EAP outside of the new first year student process (current/transfer students), will be required to attend 8 programs- 4 in the fall and 4 in the spring.
- Students are permitted to use the summer to fulfill one of their categories. However, it is not required. Student should confirm with their Advisor and/or Program Director to verify the activity will count towards their requirement.
- Students are not permitted to front load and back load their programming requirements. Example- a student may not do 5 programming activities in the Fall and then complete 3 in the Spring. Student must complete 4 in the fall and 4 in the spring.
Advising Check-ins
- All EAP students are required to meet with their Academic Advisor once a semester to go over their progress towards degree and programming requirements. Students are responsible for keeping track and being up-to-date on where they are with their programming requirements. Students should let their Advisors know that they are EAP.
EAP Probation
- Failure to complete the above during each academic year will result in students being placed on EAP Probation. Academic Probation will consist of the following…
- A meeting with the Program Director
- Improvement plan to get student back on track.
- If an EAP student does not meet the terms of their probation, they may be removed from EAP which will result in students needing to apply to PharmD through traditional means (PharmCAS application)
Approved EAP Programming Options
- Research
- Attending a conference (any medicine related subjects/topics)
- Presenting at conference (any medicine related subjects/topics)
- College of Pharmacy programming- programs that are advertised for College of Pharmacy students
- Career Services programming (resume reviews, career readiness, career fair, etc.)
- Research
- Generation Rx presentation/programming (COSI, HS presentation, GS Troop, etc.)
- Presenting at a conference (any medicine related subjects/topics)
- College of Pharmacy programming- programs that are advertised for College of Pharmacy students
- Serve on recruitment panel and assisting in admissions and recruitment events.
Pharmacy Knowledge
- Pharmacy Technician
- Shadowing (doctors, pharmacist, medicine/healthcare related)
- Healthcare/pharmacy adjacent job (STNA, Scribe)
- Pharmacy Club, Outreach Rx, Generation Rx
- Generation Rx presentation/programming (COSI, HS presentation, GS Troop, etc.)
- Attend a Pharmacy focused conference.
- College of Pharmacy programming- programs that are advertised for College of Pharmacy students
Academic Success
- Tutoring (BSPS Chemistry tutoring or other campus tutoring)
- DLC/Younkin
- Academic Coaching
- Serving as a tutor
- College of Pharmacy academic success programming
- Maintaining 3.2 or higher GPA for academic semester
- Honors Program
- Research
- College of Pharmacy programming
Choose your own adventure/petition your experience.
Students may petition to allow a specific project, work experience, involvement, ect.. to count towards one of their requirements. Petition must be submitted and approved before the end of the semester. Students can find the petition and all documents needed for EAP in Carmen in the BSPS Advising and Career Services shell.
This policy describes the requirements which EAP students must meet to be eligible for matriculation into the PharmD program and is subject to changes since it is reviewed on an annual basis.
1. Undergraduate Major: Ohio State EAP students are required to follow the Healthcare Professions Pathway within the Bachelor of Science in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS) degree.
2. Prerequisite Coursework: All EAP students should consult Ohio State’s College of Pharmacy advisors about the prerequisite courses for the PharmD. Ohio State EAP students are required to complete PHR 2510 or PHR 2511H, Introduction to Pharmacy.
3. Pharmacy House: Prior to AU25 ONLY Incoming first-year Ohio State EAP students are required to live in the Pharmacy House Learning Community during their first year and are expected to participate in at least 50% of EAP programming. Exceptions may be granted for students who demonstrate a compelling need to live in a different environment, which may include a medical need to live in another setting, a need to live in another learning community, and students who commute. Students who are granted this approval are still expected to participate in EAP programming.
4. GPA Requirement: All EAP students who started at Ohio State in Autumn 2025 or after are required to earn a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a C- or higher in all PharmD prerequisite course by the start of the semester for which they intend to matriculate to the PharmD. EAP students who entered Ohio State prior to Autumn 2025 must meet the 2.7 cumulative undergraduate GPA requirement by the start of the semester for which they intend to matriculate to the PharmD. This calculation includes grades for all coursework taken at other institutions as well as Post-Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) and OSU Academy credits.
5. EAP Admission Deferral: Should the university approve the deferral of an incoming, first-year EAP student due to extenuating circumstances, the student must notify Katie Watkins, Director of Recruitment & Admissions,, so that the EAP admission may also be deferred.
6. International EAP students: International EAP students must successfully complete a financial review before being able to matriculate into the PharmD program.
7. PharmCAS: AACP (the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy) requires that all students matriculating into a Doctor of Pharmacy program submit a PharmCAS application. Therefore, all EAP students are responsible for submitting a PharmCAS application prior to matriculation into the PharmD program. The deadline to submit this application will be November 1 in the Autumn term prior to matriculation into the PharmD program. This application will not be used to make an admissions decision, as EAP students are already admitted and may matriculate if all requirements are met. EAP students will be responsible for paying the $180.00 application fee associated with the PharmCAS application.
8. Supplemental Application: To complete the Doctor of Pharmacy enrollment process, EAP students will be required to complete the Graduate & Professional Admissions supplemental application. The supplemental application will be assigned to the EAP student upon completion of the PharmCAS application. There is a $60 processing fee, a $25 acceptance fee and a $500 deposit required at the time of completion of the supplemental application, but the $500 deposit will be credited toward the student’s first semester of tuition in the PharmD program.
9. PharmD Matriculation Deferral: EAP students must declare PharmD matriculation intentions by Oct. 1 of the year prior to PharmD matriculation. EAP students may request an extension or deferral at any time before Oct. 1 by emailing Katie Watkins, Director of Recruitment & Admissions,
The Office of Recruitment and Admissions (ORA) offered EAP students the opportunity to defer their matriculation by a year. Below is the process to request a deferral:
EAP student deferral request process
- EAP Student ideally communicates desire to delay PharmD matriculation by Oct 1 of the year prior (matriculation form deadline), but students may request deferral at any time by emailing
- Director of Recruitment & Admissions (ORA) will set up a meeting with the student to discuss their deferral request and any implications of the decision.
- If approved, Director of ORA will confirm details with student via email and student information will be tracked.
- Student will be required to confirm their plans to matriculate by October 1 of the following year by submitting their matriculation form.
- Director of ORA will remain in contact with the student to ensure all information is received and stay up to date on the student’s plans to matriculate.
- Any additional request for an extension beyond Oct 1 of the adjusted year prior to matriculation must be requested in writing to Director of ORA for consideration.
- If a student is traditional EAP, they will graduate as usual. If a student is Combined Degree and would like to defer admission, they would need to work closely with their undergraduate advisor to be placed on a leave of absence and ensure that all sequential coursework has been completed.
If you have any questions about the deferral process, please reach out to your Academic Advisor.
The deadline to submit your graduation application is the 10th Friday of the term you intend to graduate. However, we recommend that students submit their graduation application one year prior to when they intend to graduate.
NOTE: Any student who misses the deadline must speak with their academic advisor to discuss the late add protocol.
BSPS Chemistry Tutoring Program
Tutoring overview:
The College of Pharmacy is excited to offer free tutoring to BSPS students enrolled in CHEM 1220 (General Chemistry 2) and OCHEM 2520 (Organic Chemistry 2) during the Spring semester.
Weekly individual sessions via Zoom are available during morning, afternoon, and evening time slots to accommodate a variety of schedules. Additional sessions will be continually added throughout the semester. Students may sign up for a maximum of two 30-minute sessions per day and up to four sessions per week. Use the link below to sign up.
Interested in tutoring but none of the session times fit your schedule? Email the tutor for your course with your upcoming availability to identify an alternate time to meet:
Alina Haq

Hi, I am from Dayton, Ohio. I’m a Junior in the BSPS program and am also part of the Early Assurance Program (EAP). I am a general chemistry tutor, and I hope to share my love for chemistry and help you all achieve success in your academic endeavors!
Chloe Delnicki

Hi! I am a fourth year BSPS student on the Drug Discovery and Development Pathway and a member of the Clinical Trial Sciences Certificate Program. I am also an undergraduate researcher in the Rakotondraibe Lab in the Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy division of the College of Pharmacy. I look forward to working with you to understand organic chemistry better!
Madison Swenson

Hi! I'm from Minnesota, and I am currently in my third year in the BSPS program here on the pre-med track. I'm also an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Palanichamy's Lab through The James, specializing in neurocancer heterogeneity. I love Organic Chemistry and look forward to assisting others in enjoying and understanding the subject!
Faith Eden

Hi everyone! I'm a fourth-year BSPS pre-dental student from Delaware, Ohio. Over the years, I have really fallen in love with chemistry and helping my friends understand it. I hope that I have helped you through it as well! I would love to help you be successful in this subject and your endeavors.
Chuangfa Yang (Frank)

Hello everyone! My name is Chuangfa Yang. You can also call me Frank. I am a BSPS junior working hard to get into the PharmD program. Chemistry is complex and interesting, and I look forward to exploring the mysteries of organic chemistry with you this semester!
Preparing for tutoring:
When signing-up, you’ll be asked to list which topics you’d like to cover during your session. Be as specific as possible and include chapter numbers, if working from the textbook.
During your Zoom session, have any problems you’d like to work through pulled up and ready to share with your tutor through the Screen Share feature.
Our tutors can also provide background information and tips on studying, if you’re looking for more general recommendations beyond specific course content.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancelling less than 24 hours in advance, arriving 15 minutes late, or failure to attend a session are considered a “no-show.” Three (3) no-shows during the semester will result in termination of tutoring privileges for the remainder of the semester.
To cancel a session at least 24 hours in advance, modify your session through the confirmation email you received.
If canceling less than 24 hours in advance, email your respective tutor.
In alignment with our goal to provide an unsurpassed, student-centered learning experience, the College of Pharmacy is pleased to offer a combined seven-year Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS)/Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree program. Any student matriculating into the Ohio State BSPS program is eligible to pursue the combined BSPS/PharmD degree option. These students’ complete coursework in the Healthcare Professions pathway to ensure that all PharmD program prerequisites would be completed before matriculation into the P1 year.
What is the BSPS/PharmD combined degree program?
The combined degree program offers streamlined course efficiencies between the BSPS and PharmD curricula in order to provide a seamless experience to committed undergraduate students. Students pursuing this option (typically) complete three years of the BSPS curriculum and then enroll into the four-year PharmD program. Students will receive their bachelor’s degree at the end of their P1 year (first year of PharmD). As such, the time to both degrees is lessened by one year.
*Please note, admission is not guaranteed for all students. EAP students must maintain all program requirements, fill out the Combined Degree Intention Form with Academic Advisor, and have course requirements met.
Students who are not in the EAP must maintain GPA requirements, fill out the Combined Degree Intention Form with Academic Advisor, and go through the competitive admissions process.
The Combined Degree Intention Form is due by October 1st.
What does this mean for you?
- Reduced time to degree
- Lowered overall cost of pharmacy education
- Earned salary one year sooner
Students with questions about the combined degree program should speak with their assigned academic advisor.
How does EAP status work?
All prospective and current students will have the opportunity to apply to the Early Assurance Program. Once a student is admitted to The Ohio State University and EAP, they are guaranteed a spot in the PharmD program provided all matriculation criteria are met.
EAP students will have the option of choosing to complete their BSPS degree prior to beginning their PharmD on the traditional path (eight years total), or they may choose to complete the combined BSPS/PharmD program (seven years total). However, the combined degree program is meant only to serve as an option and not limit a student’s educational experience in any way. For example, if an EAP student prefers to complete their undergraduate degree in the traditional four years in order to take advantage of study abroad, internships, or minor/double major program opportunities, that student would be encouraged to do so.
Academic Standing
At the end of each term, academic performance will be reviewed by the Program Director of Undergraduate Studies to ensure that each student is making satisfactory academic progress and meeting college and university standards.
If at the end of their first semester of enrollment a student has earned a GPA below 2.0, they will be placed on academic warning. In order to be removed from this status, the student will need to raise their cumulative GPA above a 2.0 the following term. If the student is unable to raise their cumulative GPA above a 2.0, they will be placed on academic or special action probation.
If at any time the preparation, progress, or success of a student is determined to be unsatisfactory, the college shall be empowered to place the student on special action academic probation. In order to be removed from this status, the student will need to meet the terms of their special action probation as determined by the BSPS Committee.
Any student (not in their first term at the university) with a cumulative GPA below a 2.0 will be placed on Academic Probation. In order to be removed from this status, the student will need to meet the following terms:
- Raise cumulative GPA to 2.0 or above, or earn term GPA of 2.3 or above
- No E or EN grades are permitted
- A grade of Incomplete is permitted by petition only
- May not be enrolled in more than 12 credit hours
- Complete academic success workshop with academic advisor
When a student is placed on academic warning, academic probation or special action probation their student account will be locked (no enrollment activity) until they complete an academic success workshop with an academic advisor. In this workshop students and their advisor will discuss strengths and challenges/barriers to academic success and appropriate support resources, create goals for the upcoming semester and set follow-up meetings to discuss progress. Once this workshop has been completed, the lock will be removed from the student’s account.
If a student is on probation for two consecutive terms and does not meet the terms of their probation, the BSPS Program Committee has the option to either Program Dismiss the student from the BSPS program or Academically Dismiss from The Ohio State University. If a student is dismissed, they will receive a letter notifying them of their dismissal.
Students may petition for reinstatement no-earlier than two semester from the date of their dismissal. Any student who may be reinstated by the College of Pharmacy shall be subject to special requirements as determined appropriate by the BSPS Committee. If the performance record of any reinstated student does not meet the conditions of probation specified at the time of reinstatement, then the College of Pharmacy shall determine whether the student is to be dismissed or continue on probation.