Student Awards
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The College of Pharmacy presents awards to recognize the achievements of students at the annual BSPS End of the Year Celebration, Doctor of Pharmacy Hooding Ceremony, and Kathleen Brooks Graduate Student Reception events. Recipients are chosen through a combination of nominations, balloting and selections by the College of Pharmacy’s Awards Committee.
American Institute of the History of Pharmacy (AIHP) Student Recognition Certificate
Recognizes a graduating/matriculating BSPS student who shows superior achievement in pharmaco-historical study or activity by earning a top grade in the most recent offering of Pharmacy 5500.
BSPS Faculty Award for Outstanding Graduating Student of the Year – Healthcare Professions Pathway
Recognizes an overall outstanding graduating BSPS student in the top 25% of their class, following the healthcare professions pathway.
BSPS Faculty Award for Outstanding Graduating Student of the Year – Drug Discovery & Development Pathway
Recognizes an overall outstanding graduating BSPS student in the top 25% of their class, following the drug discovery and development pathway.
BSPS Student Award for Outstanding Community Engagement
Recognizes a graduating/matriculating BSPS student for excellence in their involvement with community engagement efforts that demonstrate an impact on addressing important community needs.
BSPS Student Impact Award
Recognizes a graduating/matriculating BSPS student who demonstrates outstanding professionalism, leadership and service to the college through student organizations, strong academics, assistance at college events and support of their fellow students.
Charles River Laboratories Student Leadership Award
Recognizes a graduating/matriculating BSPS student in recognition of their leadership achievements in academics and contributions to enriching student life in the college and on campus.
Forever a Buckeye Award
Recognizes a graduating/matriculating BSPS student who is continuing in the College of Pharmacy’s PharmD or PhD programs and has articulated strong reasons for pursuing advanced studies at the college.
Medicinal Chemistry Award
Recognizes a graduating BSPS student who has demonstrated interest and achievement in medicinal chemistry through undergraduate lab research.
Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology Outstanding Undergraduate Award
Recognizes a graduating BSPS student who has demonstrated interest and achievement in undergraduate research in a pharmaceutics- or pharmacology-related area.
Pharmacognosy Award
Recognizes a graduating BSPS student who has demonstrated high interest and achievement in pharmacognosy through undergraduate lab research.
Pharmacy Practice and Science Award
Recognizes a graduating/matriculating BSPS student who has been accepted into the College of Pharmacy’s PharmD program for the subsequent fall term and has shown significant involvement in pharmacy practice during their BSPS program years.
Spirit of the College Award
Recognizes a graduating/matriculating BSPS student or undergraduate student organization that represents the values, traditions and spirit of the college through their engagement in and commitment to the college community.
Academy of Pharmacy of Central Ohio (APCO) Student Award
Recognizes a P2 student in strong academic standing for their leadership in student organizations, professional initiatives, community service activities and exhibiting characteristics that exemplify the ideals of the profession of pharmacy.
Anne L. Burns Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD student who demonstrates outstanding professionalism, leadership and service to the college through student organizations, support of academics, assistance in college events and support of their fellow students.
American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) Senior Recognition Certificate
Recognizes a graduating PharmD member of the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists who has made the greatest contributions to Ohio State’s chapter.
Benjamin Balshone Student Award
Recognizes the graduating PharmD student most likely to succeed in community pharmacy by showing evidence of professional interest in community pharmacy; exhibiting compassion, empathy and consideration for others; and in strong academic standing.
College of Pharmacy Professionalism Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD member of the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists who exhibits the ideals of professionalism and excellence in patient care.
Council of Ohio Colleges of Pharmacy (COCP) Student Leadership Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD student who has made significant impacts in the areas of leadership and service to the college and profession of pharmacy.
Doctor of Pharmacy Student Impact Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD student who demonstrates outstanding service to the college through student organizations, support of academics, assistance in college events and support of their fellow students.
EXCEL Awards
Recognizes graduating PharmD students who perform at an exceptional level during their Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs).
Faculty Award for the Outstanding Graduating PharmD Student of the Year
Recognizes an overall academically outstanding graduating PharmD student as selected by the college faculty.
Graduate/Professional Student Award for Outstanding Community Engagement
Recognizes a graduating graduate or professional student for excellence in their involvement with community engagement efforts that demonstrate an impact on addressing important community needs.
Merck Manual Awards for Academic Excellence
Recognizes three outstanding graduating PharmD students based on their scholastic achievements in pharmacy studies.
Mylan Excellence in Pharmacy Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD student in the top 25% of their class who demonstrates personal motivation and possesses the unique ability to communicate drug information.
Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA) Student Leadership Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD member of the American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists, for their leadership and outstanding achievement in chapter activities.
Pauline M. Boyer/Kappa Epsilon Alumni Award
Recognizes a P1 female student in strong academic standing who has demonstrated leadership in student organizations, professional initiatives and community service activities and possesses characteristics that exemplify the ideals of the profession of pharmacy.
Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS) Leadership Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD member of Phi Lamdba Sigma for their service and accomplishments as an outstanding student leader in the chapter.
Rho Pi Phi – Joe Nichol and Columbus Alumni Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD student for their strong academic standing, involvement in community outreach programs and demonstrated commitment to scholastics.
Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD member of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association for their service and accomplishments as an outstanding student leader in the chapter.
The Stephen W. Birdwell Student Award
Recognizes a graduating PharmD student who shows leadership among their peers and demonstrates congeniality, service and esprit de corps within the college community, as voted by their peers.
Wolters Kluwer Award of Excellence in Clinical Communication
Recognizes a graduating PharmD student in the top 25% of their class who demonstrates superior verbal and written clinical communication skills.
Women’s Pharmacy Club of Columbus Award
Recognizes a P3 female student in strong academic standing who has made significant contributions to the profession through service and leadership through professional organizations and/or internships and who is able to balance the demands of being a professional student.
Timothy D. Moore Award
Recognizes one or more outstanding graduating students from the Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a specialization in Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership for demonstration of strong communication skills, academic standing and a scholarly project that will have a meaningful impact in advancing health-system pharmacy.
Ideas for new awards can be submitted through the New Award Proposal Form, which will be regularly reviewed by the College of Pharmacy’s Awards Committee.