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Strategic Priority for Research:
Prioritize innovation and knowledge discovery to improve human health.

1 Recruit and retain innovative faculty across the spectrum from drug discovery to outcomes research.
- Expand the current research footprint through targeted hires in key and emerging areas of pharmaceutical sciences.
- Utilize endowed professorships and chairs to attract or retain outstanding faculty researchers.
2 Become the university destination for drug development and optimization.
- Enhance interdisciplinary drug discovery and development research.
- Catalyze the growth of drug discovery and development within the college and across the university.
3 Accelerate drug discovery and translational pharmacology through integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence.
- Provide robust training of graduate students in bioinformatics, artificial intelligence/machine learning and data analytics.
- Expand the use of artificial intelligence- and data analytics-based tools in faculty research.
4 Increase the impact of practice-based, community-engaged and teaching-focused research.
- Cultivate relationships with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Nationwide Children's Hospital to foster collaborative practice-based research.
- Expand community outreach, engagement and policy research.
- Become recognized as an academy leader in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
5 Encourage interdisciplinary research and entrepreneurship that transcends division and college boundaries.
- Engage in new interdisciplinary research projects and partnerships.