two people working on experiment

Research Day Abstract Submissions

The abstract submission window is now open!

All submissions must use abstract template below when uploading your abstract file:
Download Abstract Template (.docx).

Title: Use uppercase. 14 pt., bold. Justified.

Authors and Affiliation: Authors in full name (Name, Initial, Surname); Please underline the presenting author. Put address in another line. 12 pt., Italic. Unjustified.

Body text: Use no indentation. 12 pt., Normal style.

References: When needed, use the space provided. Type references in abbreviated format as in example. 10 pt., Normal style. Leave empty if there are no references.

Acknowledgments: When needed, use the space provided. 10 pt., Normal style.

Margins: Document margins should be 1" on all sides


Abstract submissions will be collected through Oct. 4, 2024.