four students walking with the james in the background

Pharmacy Buckeyes Building Community (PBBC)

With the start if the 2024-25 academic year, we want to re-ignite this year's college theme – Pharmacy Buckeyes Building Community (PBBC).

The theme of building community among all students, staff and faculty at the college involves data-driven efforts to enhance the sense of belonging. The theme was first established in 2022 to address the challenges of social isolation from the pandemic and to improve the overall well-being of our college community.

The U.S. Surgeon General’s recent advisory on the public health crisis of loneliness, isolation and lack of connection helped reinforce the need for community. Insufficient social connection is associated with:

  • increased risk of heart disease
  • stroke
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • dementia

Additionally, it has a significant economic cost to individuals and our society. This advisory calls for action against this public health crisis and provides direction to advance social connection.

We will use this report’s direction and our ideas to further enhance social connections at the college through different methods. We call on all of you to join us in Amplifying Building Community (do your ABCs) to help combat the public health crisis. Throughout the year we will continue to host a variety of wellness and community-building events. We hope that you will join us for many of these activities.

We are Pharmacy Buckeyes!

Pharmacy Buckeyes Building Community Challenge

Red text on a white background</p>
<p>Description automatically generatedThis year we want to challenge you – personally and as a college – to help build the community around you.

  • For each designated activity you attend, you will get one raffle ticket. Put your name.# on the back (example: Emily Keeler.16) and insert it in the raffle box (located in the Dean’s Suite or Student Success Office)
  • The deadline to submit virtual and physical tickets is April 2, 2025
  • A raffle will be held in April to celebrate a year of Pharmacy Buckeye Community.

In addition to the in-person events, each month we will have an opportunity for you to participate in a virtual option for a raffle ticket and you can count each of the monthly virtual events ONCE (max of three virtual event tickets per month). Be sure to take a photo and then submit it online at


  • Take a walk around Mirror Lake
  • Bring your lunch to school/work
  • Attend a musical concert


  • Pumpkin carving or go apple picking
  • Attend an OSU football game or watch party
  • Take a walk with friends or family


  • Send a note of gratitude to someone
  • Fall walk with friends or family
  • Attend an OSU basketball game or watch party


  • Winter walk with friends or family
  • Bake a yummy treat
  • Make a craft


  • Attend / host a game night
  • Try a new food with a friend
  • Winter hike with friends or family


  • Attend a group fitness class
  • Create a budget, pack a lunch, or other financial positive activity
  • Wear red for Heart Month on February 2nd


  • Grab a coffee with friends 
  • Spring cleaning 
  • Spring walk with friends or family


  • Spring walk with friends or family
  • Take a photo of blooming flowers
  • Hug your pet (or someone else’s)

Pharmacy Heart Month

The College of Pharmacy is excited to kick off another Heart Month and Buckeye Love! Below are some of the exciting events we will be having throughout February.