Headshot of Marjorie Neidecker

Marjorie Neidecker, PhD, MEng, RN, CCRP

Assistant Professor - Clinical

Outcomes and Translational Sciences
(614) 247-6181

Professional Interests

Dr. Neidecker’s research interests include pharmacoeconomic analyses and health outcomes studies. Her scholarship also focuses on clinical research education and workforce development. She has experience in curriculum development and program evaluation, and she enjoys serving as a research project advisor for students in the MS Health Systems Pharmacy Administration and Leadership program.


Marjorie Neidecker, PhD MEng RN CCRP, is an assistant professor of Clinical Pharmacy in the Division of Outcomes & Translational Sciences at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. She additionally holds an appointment in the College of Nursing. She earned a BS with highest honors in Mechanical Engineering with an Industrial Engineering concentration from the University of Notre Dame and a Master of Engineering in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University. At OSU, Dr. Neidecker earned an RN license in the College of Nursing and a PhD from the College of Pharmacy with a focus on pharmaceutical outcomes research. 

Dr. Neidecker was the founding director of the online Master of Clinical Research (MCR) program and former co-director of the online MS Translational Pharmacology program at The Ohio State University. She is a Certified Clinical Research Professional and is serving a third term as Treasurer of the Consortium of Academic Programs in Clinical Research where university faculty, professional organizations, and industry professionals are working to harmonize the core competencies of clinical research professionals world-wide and to achieve accreditation pathways for academic programs offering degrees in clinical research. Prior to directing the MCR and MS Translational Pharmacology programs, Dr. Neidecker was a clinical research specialist in a phase 1 drug trial unit in the OSU College of Medicine and served as a health outcomes research consultant for Informagenics in Worthington, Ohio. 


  • 2009, PhD Pharmaceutical Administration (Outcomes Research), The Ohio State University
  • 2006, RN License (BSN equivalent), The Ohio State University
  • 1983, MEng (Master of Engineering) Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University
  • 1982, BS Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Option, University of Notre Dame


  • 2021, Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP), “Superhero of the CoA,” nominated by the Committee on Accreditation (CoA) of Academic Programs in Clinical Research
  • 2019, Consortium of Academic Programs in Clinical Research, Distinguished Service Award
  • 2017, Consortium of Academic Programs in Clinical Research, Distinguished Service Award
