Headshot of James Fuchs

James Fuchs

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies


Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy
College Administration

634 Riffe
(614) 247-7377
Professional Website

Professional Interests

The research in Dr. Fuchs' lab focuses on the design and preparation of bioactive molecules for therapeutic applications against cancer and infectious diseases. His lab utilizes fundamental chemical knowledge and synthetic methodology to facilitate the process of drug discovery and development through the generation of biological probe molecules, the synthesis and modification of lead compounds, and the optimization of drug properties. The overarching goals of these studies are to understand the mechanisms through which small molecules interact with proteins or other biomolecules in the context of disease progression and to improve the potential utility of promising new compounds to help them advance toward the clinic. Recently, the Fuchs lab has collaborated with numerous labs in the areas of natural product drug development for various cancers, the preparation of protein degraders active against leukemia, and HIV-1 capsid and integrase drug development.


  • 2007, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Scripps Research Institute, Medicinal/Organic Chemistry
  • 2005, PhD, Pennsylvania State University, Organic Chemistry
  • 1998, BS, cum laude, University Honors, Honors in Chemistry, University of Toledo, Chemistry
